Eververse timeline

I’m back with an update on where I am in writing this month!

I’m now 88k into the fourth book in the Eververse series, and very close to the end. I think it’s going to run longer than the others, but I thought that about book three too. At one point that was around 120k. The final version of the book is right at 100k, which is where the series has been living so far.

I’m dotting all the I’s and crossing on the T’s on Book 3, Nothing Ever Ends, which will be out some time this fall – available for PRE-ORDER now! I’m really looking forward to seeing what people think of it.

I talked with my good friend Sugu about some of may favorite books on the craft of fiction on our podcast The Shelf Warmers. Check it out if you want some more insight into the writing process.

I have a little free time for other writing outside of the book right now, but once I’m finished with this rough draft, I hope to get to some new stories. There are definitely more Eververse stories in the future, but I have an idea for a screenplay I’ve been meaning to get to for a while, as well as what might be a graphic novel.

I should finish the rough draft on Book 4 in July if things stay on schedule.

Stay safe and hope you’re enjoying the summer!