Nophek Gloss

Sharing some wonderful news – my friend and fellow writer Essa Hansen has sold her space opera trilogy NOPHEK GLOSS to Orbit Books! Essa is an exceptional artist and an even better person, and I couldn’t be more thrilled for her. She was an early and instrumental reader for EVER THE HERO, and her warmth, kindness and commitment to the craft have made me a better writer. NOPHEK is an

Grief Camp

News of reviving ancient 80s IP generally isn’t triggering. For me, the news of a Space Camp TV series brings back memories of going to see the film in the summer of 1986, thinking this would be some kind of tonic to the then fresh scars of the Challenger disaster.

Ever The Hero – For FREE!

Right now I’m offering a couple ways for you to get a FREE EBOOK copy of my novel that @readersfavorite gave FIVE STARS! First, check out this awesome giveaway at Book Funnel where you can get a free ebook copy of EVER THE HERO for signing up for my newsletter! This is the story of a young woman, Kit, who’s just trying to make ends meet in a world where

Five Stars For Ever The Hero!

Ever The Hero received a FIVE STAR review from Readers’ Favorite! Some highlights: “It was absolutely delightful to sink into a sensitive and serious look at the superhero genre from a much more deeply human perspective, and to have LGBTQ+ representation on top of that was an extra slice of socially aware goodness.“ “The world around them is expertly drawn by author Darby Harn, making for a dark and cinematic

Zombie Star Wars

It’s ironic, perhaps, that a movie featuring an edited together performance of a deceased cinematic icon ends up becoming, in effect, an edited together pastiche of a deceased franchise. The Rise of Skywalker is nominally the end of The Skywalker Saga, though of course there will be more films, but more than a capstone on a legendary cinematic series, it’s Exhibit A in the case that Star Wars is no