Defining Success As A Writer

The most important thing a writer can do for themselves is define their own success. That word immediately resonates differently with different people. Is it selling millions of copies? Ruling BookTok? Or is it writing the books you want to write the best you can? What is success to you as a writer?

Stargun Messenger Book Tour Starts Today!

Today kicks off a book tour for Stargun Messenger! A huge thanks to Justin at Escapist Book Co. for helping get the word out about the book. It’s a great tour and it begins with the most enjoyable thing I’ve done so far for the book – an interview with the book’s main character, Astra Idari. It was a lot of fun. You can read it here. See below for

Astra Idari At The Speed Of Sound

Brian May signed a notebook I’d been keeping in August 1998. In that notebook were pages and pages of ideas, sketches, and writing about an idea I was calling Wandering Star. I was obsessed with this idea and would be on and off for the next twenty-five years. That book has finally come out in 2023.  It’s now called Stargun Messenger. You may be wondering why I asked the legendary


Stargun Messenger is here! If you like: Fast, funny, epic space opera Stories with heart and soul Characters discovering themselves and each other Literally COSMIC explosions Art by Al Hess because who doesn’t Then you might like this book. I hope you do!