Years Between Words

I have a new interview with Deb Martin at Two Ends of the Pen, in which I discuss my new book Ever The Hero. I also talk a little about the road to publishing the novel, which has been, um, long. I sold my first novel in 2008 and the publisher sat on it for years. I lost time, confidence and nearly my career and that steered me toward a


Launch day has arrived for Ever The Hero! The ebook and paperback versions are now available. If you read my books and like them, please leave a review in all the places where reviews are posted. It makes a big difference, believe me. Speaking of which, a lovely review of the book is up at Making Good Stories: “Powerful (if you’ll forgive the pun) messages are conveyed through the story

Picard: The Legacy of Honesty

It is hard to quantify how much I missed Jean-Luc Picard. When I walked out of Nemesis in 2002, it was with fatigue and something approaching despair. Nemesis was an exercise in nostalgia, though not really of The Next Generation. The film desperately wanted to be The Wrath of Khan, a film whose shadow is now so long as to be inescapable – just ask JJ Abrams (more on him

One Week To Go!

Ever The Hero releases in just one week. 😳 It’s been a long road and I’m excited to see where it goes from here. There will be a lot of nice interviews, features and spotlights coming up, including my first ever podcast interview with Michael at The Indie Rundown. That was a tremendous amount of fun! I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the response to the book so far, and I