Launch day has arrived for Ever The Hero!
The ebook and paperback versions are now available. If you read my books and like them, please leave a review in all the places where reviews are posted. It makes a big difference, believe me.
Speaking of which, a lovely review of the book is up at Making Good Stories:
“Powerful (if you’ll forgive the pun) messages are conveyed through the story told within these action- and intrigue-filled pages – explorations of a sense of self and identity, relationship dynamics, and societal and economic disparities to name a few.”
Ever The Hero is the featured book today at Speculative Fiction Showcase. Look for an interview with me there soon!
This has been a long, difficult road to get here. At various points, I didn’t think I would make it. I am deeply grateful to friends, family and my fellow writers and critique partners.
This simply would have been impossible without them.